Take a moment and learn more about the

Dual Language Program at PS169

We Offer Two Dual Language Program

  • Spanish/English

  • Chinese/English

What is Dual Language?

Dual Language is a language program that provides instruction in 2 languages. Students develop academic language and content knowledge in 2 languages. Both languages are equally valued.

In Dual Language classrooms, we aim to have a balance of students who are fluent in English and Spanish or Mandarin.

Parent Commitment to the program is essential for the success of students.

The Dual Language Program is recognized all over the country as a model program.

Goals of the PS169 Dual Language Program

The overall goal of our Dual Language program is for students to be bilingual, bi-literate, and bi-cultural.

By the end of the 5th grade, students will be able to:

• Academically perform at or above grade level.

• Demonstrate positive cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors.

• Benefit from learning a new language while simultaneously enriching their native language.

• Learn appropriate grade level content while developing their bilingual proficiency.

• Use 2 languages comfortably and effectively in social situations appropriate for their age level.

Dual Language Benefits

• Bilingualism and Biliteracy

• Most successful model for helping English Language Learners succeed academically in school. (Lindholm-Leary, 2001; Thomas & Collier, 2002)

• Cultural awareness

• Preservation of their cultural heritage

• Future job opportunities

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who is eligible to apply?

A. All incoming students grades K-5 are eligible to apply. We also accept students into the dual language program after Kindergarten depending on the number of available seats. However, please note that the transition to dual language in older grades can be complicated; therefore we suggest that the child is familiar and ideally literate in either Spanish or Chinese upon starting the program after 2nd grade.

Q. Will learning Spanish/Mandarin interfere with the development of my child's English skills?

A. No. Studies have shown that children who learn a second language score higher on standardized tests. Learning a second language will enhance your child's native language ability.

Q. Why is parent commitment essential?

A. The Dual Language program is a rigorous program that requires support from parents. Program participation from Kindergarten through 5th grade is essential for student success! Studies have shown that in order for students to receive the full benefit of a dual language program, they must participate for a minimum of 6 years. You will notice that around third grade, you will start to see your child's biliteracy skills blossom, but it is not immediate!

Q. How can parents participate?

A. Dual Language learning provides many opportunities for parents to be "partners in learning." There will be multiple opportunities for families to share cultural experiences, and participate in classroom events.